the way to trade forex : Jay lakhani

Jay Lakhani was born in Malawi, C.Africa and came to the UK when he was 18. He is a professional trader and has been involved with markets since his early twenties. He has extensive experience of both the US and UK stock markets – Trading in derivatives, Forex, Index& Stock futures, and Commodities.

Jay was introduced to the glory of the Stock market by the Lady Thatcher’s Privatisation programme in the eighties, and has never looked back. He has survived a number of stock market crashes, including the crash of 1987 – an experience that has made him a better trader today. Over the years, he has developed unique trading systems and strategies, which have made him into a successful trader.

One would say that Jay is blessed with a mind that finds creative solutions to problems; a kind of a person that sees multiple solutions, he has a very inquiring mind. Once he is shown a strategy, he will always look at ways at which it can be improved. Jay uses Technical Analysis in his trading, and believes that successful trading is based on your Strategies and Techniques –your system. He also believes that more emphasis should be put on the trader psychology and having a disciplined money management…

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Every good trader has a strategy (or many). There are many good strategies out there – not just one. Stop wasting your time looking for “the best” strategy. It doesn’t exist! Below is a strategy to get you started. We’ll progress to more advanced information in the e-books that follow …… read more –> download here